Business Solutions for Your Profitable Future

Collaborative Microtraining for Profit Improvement

Layoff alternative #1: Training and Collaborative Microtraining

Introduction to Collaborative Microtraining:

As a means of creating value in your company, take the opportunity to conduct training and microtraining in subjects and skills that will help you do a better job today and set the stage for recovery from this recession. Studies show that most people are wasting up to 2 hours a day so here is a way to capture that time and put it to good use.

Traditional training is typically done in blocks of time with well prepared trainers and curriculum. This is a good approach that should be used when available and appropriate.

Collaborative Microtraining is a boot-strap approach that is differentiated by the following three characteristics:

1. The training is done in short segments of 10 to 20 minutes

2. The curriculum consists of small pieces of a greater whole done in sequence rather than all at once or in large blocks

3. The people who actually perform the work and are expert in the subject are the trainers - they are generally members of a peer group who train each other; thus the collaboration

A typical microtraining segment will follow the following agenda:

Agenda element Nominal Times

  1. Introduction/start 1-3 min
  2. Demonstration, presentation and/or exercise 4-8 min
  3. Feedback and discussion 2-4 min
  4. Identify action steps if any 2 min
  5. Conclusion including summary, action steps and next sub-topic 2 min


The responsibilities of the microtraining leader or manager include the following:

  • -Establish the initial topics to be trained
  • -Establish a training agenda with input of those who will be involved
  • -Create the logical sequence for training modules
  • -Select the participants
  • -Train the participants in how to microtrain including the agenda
  • -Demonstrate the process
  • -Monitor progress
  • -Provide support as appropriate
  • -Insure that action items are acted upon and feedback is given
  • -Capture and use information gathered in the process
  • -Participate in the conclusion of any training module to insure that learning has taken place, the team is on track and the next module is appropriate


At some point microtraining teams will become semi-autonomous and able to operate with limited monitoring, supervision and support.

The benefits of Collaborative Microtraining include the following:

  • -Time that otherwise might be wasted is made productive
  • -People learn from one another in a teamwork atmosphere
  • -This is an excellent opportunity to collaborate, share and learn
  • -The cultural change is toward that of a learning environment
  • -The best way to learn is to teach
  • -It creates the opportunity to establish an environment of continuous improvement
  • -Morale is improved as people actively participate in personal and corporate development
  • -Management and professional trainers can essentially clone themselves to accomplish training that otherwise might not be possible
  • -Microtraining can be done on a regular schedule with a frequency such as 3-4 days a week to establish momentum and maintain continuity
  • -Organization makes the results more predictable than traditional on-the-job-training (OJT)
  • -Skills and productivity can be increased to reduce costs and improve service

Collaborative Microtraining for cost reduction and profit improvement:

Collaborative Microtraining offers a number of real benefits include the creation and dissemination of knowledge to team members who are motivated to learn and improve. This leads to a more successful and profitable company even during recessionary times.

Use your human resources well even when times are bad and they will be better prepared to do an excellent job when the recession ends and demands on their efforts increase.

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Achieving World-Class Profit Improvement: See world-class profit improvement processes. A must-have resource for any cost reduction practitioners.